Welcome to my website!
Hello! My name is Sol, otherwise known by my internet alias, ILuvHoovering. This is my website. It doesn't have much of a real purpose - not a singular one, at least. Here you'll find some stuff I have created as well as a lot of me waxing lyrical about my favourite music (especially TMBG....) and other things I enjoy. I am completely indebted to sadgrl for the layout of this website, bonnibel and bluef00t for many of the graphics used, and the GeoCities sites of old for the whole vibe I'm trying to gesture vaguely towards.
When I feel like it, I am an artist, writer, guitarist, and occasional bad bassist. I am starting to archive some of my art on here and will eventually get around to including some of my writing too.
Find me on Twitter and Tumblr (active only sporadically).